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Twisty Twirly Energy Medicine

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6 Week Yoga Courses


6 Week Courses

Anxiety & Depression

In-depth yoga course specifically designed for people struggling with stress, anxiety and or depression to provide an in depth experiential study of how yoga can help these serious conditions.

Depression and anxiety are complicated and different for everyone, and while it's important to get a diagnosis and a medical treatment plan, a regular yoga practice may help counteract anxiety-driven depression because it reduces stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline, inducing what's known as the relaxation response.

Like many things taken for granted, the significance of the autonomic nervous system is suddenly recognized when something goes awry. While few diseases attack the autonomic nervous system alone, almost all medical disorders have some impact and may create the "Fight, Flight or Freeze" response. This is often more difficult to shut down and requires the parasympathetic nervous system to take over to induce a "Rest & Recovery" cycle. Once the "Rest & Recovery" response kicks in, many people feel that instead of trying to escape their feelings, they can stay with them, which is essential to identifying the psychological factors that trigger their anxiety and depression. But the path to getting to this relaxed place varies by individual and this course may be the start of a new journey to better mental health

This course is 12 hours held over 6 weeks in 2 hourly sessions of full and creatively designed lessons including Asana – the physical aspect, Pranayama – breath control and Yoga Nidra – deliberate deep controlled relaxation. The first part of each session is dedicated to teaching an understanding of different yogic principals and other ancient wisdoms to encourage healthful ways of thinking and bring about a more contented mindset through forgiveness, compassion and relaxation. The practises that follow each principal reflect this wisdom.

In this course you will learn how these ancient practices are more relevant now than ever before using Patanjalis Yoga Sutra, a 4000 year old text, as understood and translated by Geshe Michael Roache in his book with Christie McNally “How Yoga Works”, a truly transformative work that explains the Chakras and energy system beautifully.

Some of the things you will learn on this course are traditional yogic postures and breathing techniques but also how to fully relax with Yoga Nidra and to experience how deep relaxation can have a profound effect on all the systems of the body. We will also learn a Buddhist technique called Metta Bhavana to cultivate loving kindness and compassion and will continue to use this over the sessions. We will also have a session around learning Ho’pono’pono the Hawaiian forgiveness prayer and a session to look at how yoga and it’s sister science Ayurveda view food as medicine and how we can use that knowledge in our lives.

Yoga as a tool can teach us many things and during the weeks we will be developing a greater awareness of the body, mind and breath connection through being mindful at every stage of our practice and to practice with Ahimsa – no harm, and to learn not to be judgemental of ourselves.

This course is suitable for everyone and is accessible for beginners, a gentle and complete Hatha yoga practice. The maximum number of students for these intensive courses is 10 and while there is no physical handouts or a certificate of completion there is a wealth of information online I can guide you to as the week progresses through a private Whats’ app group.

The investment for this course is £120. Please register your interest here -



A 6 week look at the first of the Yamas and Niyamas - Ahimsa which translates as No Harm.
A gentle series of Hatha yoga poses, Pranayama and Yoga Nidra to discover the keys to compassion. All welcome. Please bring a mat, block and blanket.
The practice will be fairly gentle and suitable for everyone, even if you need to take the practice sitting down in a chair. However if you are able bodied I may suggest a stronger version of the posture. We will be working on our joint mobility, core strength and flexibility.
The Yoga Nidra practice is a deeply relaxing practice translated as yogic sleep. This is a misnomer as the state we are guided into is neither sleep nor our usual wakeful self, it is instead a hypnagogic state where the mind is aware that the body is happily content and is free to explore other possibilities of experience. A unique practice that can bring us home to ourselves and all that we are.


This course will be run at St. Marys Island Community Centre in September 2023 to register your interest and to book click here -



Honouring The Directions

Originally a 6 week course but extended to become an 8 week course, to explore our capabilities and limitations in each direction the body can move in and with sympathy and connection to the directions of the Shamanic Medicine Wheel. We will focus each week on a specific type of movement such as forward bends, twists, inversions etc and take a breathing practice (Pranayama) and a Yoga Nidra practice.

These classes are more like a workshop and will be 2 hours long, to be held at Grain Coast Crafty Alpaca Farm in September 2023.


Nada Yoga

Nada Yoga is the yoga of sound so we will be learning some Mantras and experiencing the awesome power of OM.
Usual format Asana (postures), Pranayama (breathing) and Relaxation but with extra time allowed for chanting as meditation. We will learn The Gayatri Mantra, work with Om Namah Shivaya and understand the meanings of these great mantras and why we use Sanskrit.


This 6 week course will be held as an 8 week offering from September 2023 at Grain Coast Crafty Alpaca Farm.






07713 979251



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